The Center for Reproductive Medicine has been helping patients achieve the family of their dreams since 1993. We are the largest fertility practice along the gulf coast in: south Alabama, the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and Florida panhandle. Our office offers patients with a large range of custom infertility and genetic treatments, from basic infertility to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
What are you most proud of at your program?
That we are able to serve patients with the best science and medical care.
Why did you decide to take action to improve your facility’s air purity?
In late 2012 we noticed a drop in our pregnancy rates. We researched possible causes and found our hospital doing construction internally and also there was construction being done at another facility next to the hospital. We decided to shut IVF down since our current air system was not able to handle the “overload” of VOCs being produced. We knew we needed help and started searching for someone to consult with us.
Why did you choose LifeAire in particular?
Through a personal contact we found LifeAire. They came in and ran multiple VOC tests and found not only issues with the construction but also, we shared our air with the GI Lab. The number of VOCs coming out of the GI lab was tremendous. This was affecting our pregnancy rates but we didn’t realize how much until after we installed the LifeAire system. We were LifeAire’s 5th installation and their 1st retrofit installation in January of 2013.
How would you describe the impact LifeAire has had on your program?
Besides an increase our pregnancy rates, we don’t worry about what may be going on in the environment around us. It was a constant battle with the different departments in the hospital to contact us to make sure we weren’t in cycle before they could do anything. Now, everybody is happy. Especially our patients.
How would you describe the impact that LifeAire has had on your patients?
LifeAire has allowed us to give patients our best and our results show that.
Do you recall any incidents (fires, pollution, construction, etc.) that prior to LifeAire, would have been noticed within your facility, and where–since LifeAire–remained safely outside your protected areas?
There have been multiple incidents where our pregnancy rates have been affected by construction. The 2012 incident when we had to shut down because our rates decreased because of the amount of construction going on around our facility is what stands out the most. Since the installation we have not seen the drastic fluctuations and we don’t worry about construction issues any longer.
Please describe the project of implementing the LifeAire System at your location.
Implementation team came in and worked with the Plant Operation team from the hospital to install the system. Once installed we performed the burn out and have enjoyed the system ever since.
What would you like other IVF Programs to know who might be considering the same path forward that you chose to take with LifeAire?
LifeAire might be expensive but it gives us the confidence to give patients the best and that’s what health care is all about.
LifeAire Systems is committed to delivering the very best in healthcare to patients around the world and supporting organizations who have this same important priority. We view each program in our growing LifeAire family of customer organizations as a “Center of Excellence”—so named to reflect the ongoing efforts by these organizations to provide industry-leading healthcare environments for the communities they serve.
We congratulate all of our Centers of Excellence on their ongoing commitment to patient care.
Medical Leadership
George T. Koulianos, MD Medical Director
George B. Inge, MD
Adelina M. Emmi, MD
Tiffany L. Saucier, CRNP
Suzanne D. Degelos, PhD Lab Director
The Center for Reproductive Medicine
#3 Mobile Infirmary Circle
Suite 401
Mobile, AL 36607