CARS is an academic affiliate of the UConn School of Medicine. Our expertise in the latest technologies and treatments in infertility allows us to offer many advanced techniques to help patients achieve successful pregnancies, resulting in over 13,000 babies born since 1983. We strive for excellence in patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes in a responsibly managed environment and offer support services that help our patients cope with the special emotional needs of dealing with fertility problems. Our highly trained, compassionate staff will help each step of the way. And we’ll start by giving you the hope, support and medical care you need to conceive. Our easily accessible offices in Farmington, Hartford, New London and New Haven allow our patients to get most of their treatment closer to where they work or live.
What are you most proud of at your program?
Providing compassionate care and excellent clinical outcomes
Why did you decide to take action to improve your facility’s air purity?
We were building a new facility in 2014 and wanted to be sure the IVF lab was as state-of-the-art as we could get it
Why did you choose LifeAire in particular?
After researching several options we thought LifeAire was the most comprehensive approach to controlling air quality and the product was easily integrated into our new buildings overall HVAC plan.
Please describe the project of implementing the LifeAire System at your location?
The LifeAire team worked seamlessly with our internal lab experts as well as our HVAC engineers and Alpha Environmental who ultimately commissioned the IVF Lab air quality.
How would you describe the impact LifeAire has had on your program?
The LifeAire system has given us the confidence to know that we have done all we possibly can to control the external variable of air quality in our IVF Lab. There are so many factors to be considered in achieving outstanding IVF outcomes and knowing we have controlled for air quality allows us more time to focus on the other important issues.
Do you recall any incidents that–prior to LifeAire–would have impacted your facility and–since LifeAire–remained safely outside your protected areas?
How would you describe the impact that LifeAire has had on your patients?
Patients want to know they are working with a center that has everything possible to maximize their individual chance for success. Assuring air quality is something that benefits ALL patients.
What would you like other IVF programs to know who might be considering the same path forward that you chose to take with LifeAire?
Since implementing LifeAire in 2014 and opening our new Center in 2015 we have hosted several IVF Centers who are considering the LifeAire System. We always talk about our great pregnancy rates, the ease of design and implementation and the ongoing attentiveness of the LifeAire team post installation. They have truly become a long-term partner of ours.
LifeAire Systems is committed to delivering the very best in healthcare to patients around the world and supporting organizations who have this same important priority. We view each program in our growing LifeAire family of customer organizations as a “Center of Excellence”—so named to reflect the ongoing efforts by these organizations to provide industry-leading healthcare environments for the communities they serve.
We congratulate all of our Centers of Excellence on their ongoing commitment to patient care.
Medical Leadership
John Nulsen, MD, Medical Director
Claudio Benadiva, MD, High Complexity Lab Director
Daniel Grow, Practice Director
Center for Advanced Reproductive Services
2 Batterson Park Road
Farmington, CT 06032